Contest: project for a new building of Collegio di Milano

Collegio di Milano has done a contest for a project for a new building.

The subject of this call is the creation,  within an area of the College, of a new standalone building to be used for housing university students, with their common areas and service. The notice involves a design competition (preliminary draft), anonymously. It is noted that it is the desire of the Promoter to participate, with the winning design, the selection process that will be issued by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), regulated by ministerial decree 338/2000 law.

Read the call /Scarica il Bando

Read Questions and Answers/Leggi il PDF con domande e risposte

Report of the Board of Examiners with the winning project/
Verbali della Commissione Aggiudicatrice con comunicazione progetto vincitore:

Report/ Verbale 15/09/2016

Report/Verbale 26/09/2016

Report/Verbale 04/10/2016